Dustin Miller Presents at ACES Conference on Nutrient Reduction
December 10, 2018
Nyemaster attorney Dustin Miller traveled to Washington, D.C., to speak at the ACES conference on the finalization of the Nutrient Reduction Exchange with the Iowa League of Cities.
This stakeholder-led project brought together representatives from the agriculture, academic, industrial, environmental and municipal sectors to develop a system that accurately tracks municipal and industrial efforts to reduce nutrients in Iowa’s watershed while providing regulatory and financial incentives for those investments. The demand-driven system is seen as unique among programs aimed at increasing rural and urban collaboration in conjunction with growing watershed investment.
ACES, A Community on Ecosystem Services, is a group of professionals, researchers, and policy-makers who meet every two years to discuss incorporating multi-benefit ecosystem services into infrastructure decision making.
Dustin’s presentation was "Developing a Water Quality Framework in Iowa."