Navigating the Post-Chevron Era: Industry Insights

September 24, 2024

By: Todd A. Van Thomme

The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo has dramatically reshaped the regulatory landscape. For nearly 40 years, the Chevron doctrine allowed federal agencies to interpret ambiguous laws, and their interpretations were typically given deference by the courts. However, the Court's decision to overturn Chevron means that courts will now likely  take a more active role in interpreting laws directly, rather than deferring to agency interpretations.


What Does This Mean for Regulated Industries?

Industries such as food, beverage, and agriculture—which heavily rely on agencies like the FDA, USDA, and EPA for regulatory guidance—are facing new challenges. Previously, these agencies would address regulatory ambiguities and their interpretations were generally upheld. Under the new ruling, courts will have more influence over interpreting statutes, potentially leading to increased litigation and regulatory uncertainty.


Industry Response: Moving Forward

  1. Anticipate Increased Litigation: With courts taking a more central role, industries should prepare for a rise in lawsuits challenging agency interpretations of regulations.
  2. Push for Clearer Regulations: Agencies like the EPA and FDA must draft regulations that are precise and less likely to be contested in court. This will help in reducing ambiguity and avoiding legal disputes.
  3. Enhanced Collaboration: The new regulatory environment calls for more proactive engagement between industries and regulatory agencies. This collaboration is crucial for developing regulations that are both effective and resilient to judicial scrutiny.


Insights from Industry Leaders

I was interviewed for a recent FoodNavigator-USA article, where the author and I discussed the need for industries to adapt quickly to these changes. As I pointed out to the author, "The post-Chevron era will require a fundamental shift in how industries interact with regulatory agencies. Clearer, more precise regulations are essential to navigating this new landscape and ensuring compliance."



The Loper Bright decision marks a significant shift in how laws will be interpreted, leading to greater uncertainty for regulated industries – at least in the short term. By pushing for clearer regulations and fostering better and deeper collaboration with agencies during the regulatory process, industries can better navigate these changes and mitigate potential legal challenges.


Stay informed and proactive—adaptation is key to thriving in the evolving regulatory environment. For more insights, check out the FoodNavigator-USA article.