Under Oath: Brianna Long

March 11, 2025


Brianna Long is a Nyemaster shareholder practicing in the areas of commercial litigation and labor & employment. She also serves as co-chair of the firm’s recruiting committee. A “boomerang” Iowan who returned after clerking with the Arizona Supreme Court and starting her career in Arizona, Bri is the focus of our latest attorney spotlight.  


Q: What is your “elevator pitch” for the work that you do?


BL: I help businesses protect their livelihood so they can focus on what they do best. Sometimes that means enforcing a non-compete agreement to protect their customer-base or confidential information, litigating a breach of contract or member rights, or advising through a difficult employment issue to minimize risk. 



Q: Why did you decide to practice law? 


BL: I want to help people and relish a challenge. The athlete in me enjoys working every day toward “wins” for my clients.


Q: What is one thing about Nyemaster that everyone should know?



BL: Legal excellence from first-class Iowans. I’m impressed every day by the extra mile my partners take for their clients and the community.



Q: What’s the one trend you want all your clients to be thinking about today?


BL: Although the FTC rule virtually banning non-competes was enjoined, non-competes are still increasingly viewed with skepticism. Clients should be strategic in drafting restrictive covenants and consider additional avenues for protecting their proprietary information in view of this trend and an increase in job-hopping.  



Q: Looking over the horizon, is there an area of law you expect to see a significant increase in the coming months?


BL: With such a large percentage of small business owners approaching retirement age, we anticipate an increase in closely held business disputes. These disputes often call for creative legal solutions to push through.



Q: What achievement in your legal career makes you the proudest? 


BL: The first time I was able to represent a client in a litigated matter from true start to finish. My partner and I obtained a defense verdict during a jury trial and I was able to argue before the Iowa Supreme Court and defend our client’s win.



Q: What lawyer from books, TV or movies would your clients say you are most like and why?  


BL: Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. She’s both relatable and formidable. 



Q: What do you do for fun? 

BL: We’re big Hawkeye fans in our house and love to cheer them on in all sports. There was a time when my son thought you spell his name (Will) I-O-W-A!



Q: Where is your favorite vacation destination and why? 


BL: Arizona. My husband and I started our careers there before moving back home to Iowa. It’s always special when we’re able to visit and still feels like a home away from home.



Q: What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done? 


BL: I’m still in the thick of it, but it has to be raising three children.



Q: What was your dream job as a kid? Is being a lawyer anything like it? 


BL: A teacher like my mom. Although not a classroom teacher like I envisioned when I was young, I get to teach almost every day as a lawyer, whether it’s explaining the legal impact of an issue to a client, mentoring a younger lawyer, or teaching a jury about your client’s perspective during a trial. 



Q: Tell us one detail most people don’t know about you?


BL: I think sometimes people equate being personable and showing civility with weakness. I like proving that assumption wrong. I grew up playing competitive soccer and other sports through high school, continued with intramural basketball and flag football in college and law school, and still love playing golf or whatever else I can squeeze in my schedule today. I bring that competitive drive to practicing law.



Q: Tell us about something outside of work that brings you joy?


BL: Watching or coaching my kids in their activities. The smiles are priceless.